Structured’s Knowledge Base is a comprehensive repository that contains all the entities, metrics, and data definitions relevant to your organization. By providing a centralized location for this information, the Knowledge Base ensures that every team member has access to consistent, accurate, and up-to-date data, fostering better decision-making and collaboration across departments.

What is the Knowledge Base in Structured?

The Knowledge Base in Structured is a centralized library where all standardized business metrics, entities, and data definitions are stored. It acts as a single source of truth for your organization, ensuring that every department works with the same definitions and metrics, thereby eliminating discrepancies and miscommunication.

Key Features of the Knowledge Base

How to Utilize the Knowledge Base in Structured

Step 1: Access the Knowledge Base

Navigate to the Knowledge Base within Structured to access the centralized repository of metrics and entities. Use the search function or browse through categories to find the specific information you need.

Step 2: Explore Metrics and Entities

Each metric or entity in the Knowledge Base includes detailed documentation. Review the definitions, calculation methods, and data sources to ensure that you understand how the metric is derived and how it should be used in your analyses.

Step 3: Leverage Integration with Semantic Layer

Use the integration with the semantic layer to see how the metrics and entities in the Knowledge Base are connected to your organization’s data sources. This connection ensures that all data used in reports and analyses is consistent and accurate.

Step 4: Track Changes with Version Control

If a metric or entity has been updated, review the version history to understand what changes were made and why. Use this information to ensure that your analyses reflect the most current and accurate data.

Step 5: Collaborate and Share Knowledge

Share entries from the Knowledge Base with your team to ensure everyone is using the same definitions and metrics. Use the documentation and version history to support training and onboarding, helping new team members get up to speed quickly.

Sample Use Cases for the Knowledge Base

Benefits of Using the Knowledge Base in Structured

Single Source of Truth

The Knowledge Base provides a single, reliable source of truth for all business metrics and entities, ensuring that everyone in the organization is working with consistent and accurate data.

Improved Collaboration

By centralizing metric definitions and data entities, the Knowledge Base fosters better collaboration across teams, reducing the risk of miscommunication and ensuring alignment on critical business data.

Enhanced Data Integrity

With version control and comprehensive documentation, the Knowledge Base helps maintain the integrity of your organization’s data, ensuring that metrics and entities are used correctly and consistently.

Efficient Onboarding and Training

The Knowledge Base serves as a valuable resource for onboarding and training, helping new team members quickly learn the metrics and data entities that are crucial to their roles.

Real-World Example

Example: Using the Knowledge Base for Standardizing Metrics

Imagine your marketing, finance, and sales teams each have their own version of what constitutes Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR). By centralizing the definition and calculation method for MRR in the Knowledge Base, all teams can reference the same information, ensuring consistency across the board. This centralized approach reduces confusion, improves collaboration, and supports more accurate reporting.


Structured’s Knowledge Base is an essential tool for maintaining consistency, accuracy, and reliability across your organization’s business metrics and entities. By providing a centralized, searchable repository integrated with the semantic layer, the Knowledge Base ensures that everyone in your organization can access the information they need to make informed, data-driven decisions. This feature not only supports day-to-day operations but also enhances strategic planning and long-term business success.